-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans, any of them!
-Bike company: dunno
-BMX contest: Simple session ofc!
-Bike shop: Signaturebmx
-Restaurant chain: Burger King
-Clothing company: Off the wall
-Phone: htc
-Music: Mac Miller
-Ramp rider: Harry Main
-Street rider: Broc Raiford
-Dirt rider: Dane Searls RIP.
-Flatland rider: Martti Kuoppa
-Old school rider: Mike Escamilla
-Drink: Redbull
-Trick: nac-nac
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK
-Website: Facebook
-Web video: Some of Chance Brejnakowski's edits!
-Food: maybe macaroni casserole
-Travel destination: World!
-Girl: Who is with me!
-Sport besides BMX: more bmx :)
-Party: All day