Who helps you out with your bike and travel to the contests?
Mike: My parents helped out a lot before I got my main 3 sponsors; Scuff clothing and Clark contractors inc. and Golfdecal.com.
Are Hidden Valley and Sheep Hills your local spots?
Mike: Yes I'm starting to ride there again every day.

Mike: Yes!
Who from the old Sheep Hills Locals do you run into at the trails on a regular basis?
Mike: Well I was just there yesterday and I saw Boozer Mike. I still talk to Barspinner, Ricky Ratt, Shawn Buttler and a few others. They make their way down to Sheep as often as they can.
Do you ride something besides dirt or is dirt "your main thing"?
Mike: Dirt is and will always be my main thing but I do ride a lot of parks also. Every now and then I'll go on little street adventures.
School or work for you?
Mike: Haha sleeping

Progression: Insane.
Local spots: Sheep Hills, Hidden Valley and the Vans skate park.
Kelly Slater: Not as good as Bohan, haha.
Corey Bohan: Amazing.
Support: Family.
Girls: Love them.
Nosedive 360 pics: Nuts.
Hero: Parents.
Do you think you can hit some big comps in 2007?
Mike: O yes, I'll be there.
Peace out to: Thanks to my parents, Clark contractors inc, Golf decal, Scuff clothing, DC shoes, Epic ride shop, everybody I ride with, team soil, da compound, bike church.