Q : Who are the folks that help you out and keep you on your bike fulltime? A: Redline bicycles, Etnies shoes, Alpinestars, and Knight bike co
Q : With the X Games turning into a popularity contest and no longer giving unknown riders a chance to make a name for themselves, people like yourself are left with a contest series like the Dew Tour. How did this tour start you career off? A: The Dew Action SportsTour is the best contest around.

It not only gives unknown riders a chance to thrive, but they also treat the riders very well - free catering and the best medical staff around. The tour helped me out a lot , I qualified out of the open qualifier and took 14th in the prelims in Louisville and that set me up with enough points to stay in for the rest of the tour. It was awsome getting to go to all the stops and being able to ride with all the top guys -
Colin Mackay, Allan Cooke, Garret Reynolds, Scotty Cranmer, and the rest of the top pros. It's an experience I wish everyone could feel.
Q : Before you were doing double tailwhips on your Redline you rode something else with 2 wheels. What was that all about? A: hahahaha when I was younger I rode motorized scooters.
Q : Riding with you shortly I noticed you have a very positive outlook on life. Do you feel your attitude leads the way to better things? A: I can only hope so!
Q : You are a very progressive rider having only been on a bike for about 2 years. What is it that you do to keep that progression going? A: I ride almost everyday unless I am hurt. I watch a lot of videos, try to learn a new trick everyday, or take a trick I already know how to do and try to do it better. I also ride with a lot of good friends that keep me inspired.
Q : At the final round of the Dew Tour you achieved your highest finish coming away with a 7th place. Did you meet all your goals for the competitive season? A: Yes , I definetly did. My goal was to make it on the Dew Tour, keep in points to go to every stop, make at least one final, and make the top 15 so I can be invited back next year and not have to do the open qualifier. That thing sucks!
Q : Although its many years away have you given thought to what career path you want to take after bmx? A: um, girl friend with a rich family and her Dad treats me like the son he never had?
Q : What are your plans for 2007? A: Contests and traveling.
Q : Being one of the new school riders out there what are you going to call out as the next big trick? A: For me a goal in my head is to learn 720 variations, that would be cool. But for the rest of the people, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure that
Scotty or
Mirra will do some ridiculous trick that leaves our jaws on the ground in amazement.
Bike check : Kevin rides a Redline Device
By Lloyd Ramsay