-Colour: Red, white, blue
-Shoes: Vans shoes
-Bike company: Diamondback
-BMX contest: Baltic games
-Bike shop: Urban Assault
-Restaurant chain: Wok to go
-Clothing company: Allis possible
-Phone: Sony xperia S
-Music: Lots of styles, but I'm really into acoustic guitar music
-Ramp rider: Kyle Baldock, he can do it all!

-Street rider: Chad Kerley, his latest edit was so good
-Dirt rider: TJ Ellis
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Jean de Lannoy
-Drink: Fanta
-Trick: Backflip tailwhip
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Call of Duty
-BMX photographer: Oli 'Partial Pixel'
-Girl: Kamila Bednarz
-Sport besides BMX: Hope I can ride FMX one day, that would be sick!
-Party: Not really to be honest, but I had a few good parties in the past #Nicky vd Veen #Martini haha