-Riders to ride with: Jacob Cable, Ethan Corriere, Chaz Lamasa, Julian Artiega, Francis Castro, Josh Barker and the rest of the homies!
-Food: Normitas bean and cheese burrito

-Travel destination: Norco, CA
-Car: My air bagged 1965 GMC suburban
-Movie: Joe dirt
-Colour: raw metal
-Bike company: that's a tough one, I like Sunday frames and Cult parts
-Bike shop: team bike
-Restaurant chain: Dell Taco
-Clothing company: Common bikes
-Phone: don't care, I break them every month
-Music: old alternative

-Ramp rider: Daniel Sandoval
-Street rider: Dakota Roche
-Drink: mountain dew Baja blast
-Trick: T-Mobile
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-Video game: skate 3
-BMX photographer: Wed McGrath
-BMX filmer: Francis Castro
-Website: the come up
-Sport besides BMX: ha, skateboarding