Restaurant chain: Taco Bell all day
Girl: there's a pro girl rider with sleeves and she is so fine and blasts
Website: facebook.com
Web video: look up Shoe Nice, he's gnarly
Food: tortillas
Travel destination: uhm Seatle, Washington
Spot to ride: anywhere you can go fast

Riders to ride with: anyone who goes to my skatepark
Movie: Mystery men
Colour: blue
Bike company: Definitely Diamondback
BMX contest: Texas Toast jam
BMX shop: Gordys bikes
Clothing company: goodwill haa
Phone: anything but an iphone
Ramp rider: Ryan Nyquist
Street rider: Sean Burns is god

Old school rider: Ryan Nyquist
Drink: razzleberry peace tea
Trick: slam dunk
BMX magazine: Ride bmx
Video game: Mario cart
Sport besides bmx: chesss