-BMX video: This one and this one (Alex Coleborn).
-Food: Guud food
-Travel destination: Austrailia
-Riders to ride with: Talis Viirpalu
-Car: Audi A4
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Total bmx
-BMX contest: Simple Session 13

-Bike shop: Onwheels
-Phone: 58042666
-Music: Dubstep
-Ramp rider: Alex Coleborn, Kyle Baldock
-Street rider: Bruno Hoffman
-Dirt rider: Kyle Baldock
-Flatland rider: Bert Ribul
-Drink: Coca Cola
-Trick: Barrel Roll
-Video game: Dave Mirra Freestyle Bmx
-BMX photographer: Allar Kikkas
-BMX Filmer: Allar Kikkas
-Sport besides BMX: Running
-Party: Hard