-BMX video: Voices, tomorrow we work
-Website: MelonThree
-Web video: Skapegoat
-Food: Fish 'n chips
-Travel destination: Barcelona
-Car: one that works
-Movie: The Big Lebowski
-Colour: blue
-Shoes: Janoskis
-Bike company: animal / S&M
-BMX contest: Simple Sessions
-Bike shop: Waller BMX
-Restaurant chain: Maccy D’s
-Clothing company: Nike
-Phone: Samsung represent
-Music: Hip hop / garage
-Ramp rider: NYQUIST!

-Street rider: Edwin / Tom Curtin
-Dirt rider: Robbie Morales
-Flatland rider: N/A
-Old school rider: The GONZ / Ratboy
-Drink: Stella
-Trick: Lucky dip
-BMX Magazine: The Albion
-BMX MC: Joel Culf
-Video game: Dave Mirra

-BMX photographer: Joe Cox
-BMX filmer: Joe Cox
-Girl: Susan Boyle
-Sport besides BMX: Down hilling
-Party: One that doesn’t end in an empty wallet
Photos a.o. by Robert Skinn. www.cargocollective.com/skinn.you