-BMX video: roundabout tour
-Website: Wethepeoplebmx.de

-Web video: deadline trailer
-Food: pasta
-Travel destination: anywhere hot with spots to ride
-Riders to ride with: anyone who loves riding
-Car: Audi's
-Movie: any Quentin Tarantino film
-Colour: blue
-Shoes: Vans glad cabs
-Bike company: we the people
-BMX contest: Nass
-Bike shop: the Cellblock BMX

-Restaurant chain: Subway
-Clothing company: Animal uk
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: too many to start
-Ramp rider: Ben Hennon
-Street rider: AK
-Dirt rider: Bob Manchester
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman Pics by Joe Bailey