-Movie: Movie:Tenacious D
-Colour: Grey
-Shoes: DVS or Osiris
-Bike company: S&M Bikes
-BMX contest: Backyard Jam any year but no contests that I'd mention or could remember enjoying a lot.
-Bike shop: Epic Ride Shop
-Restaurant chain: Waffle House
-Clothing company: Stay Strong
-Phone: Android
-Music: 80's Metal or Punk
-Ramp rider: Mat Hoffman, Jamie Bestwick & Chad Kagy
-Street rider: Nyquist or Dave Young
-Dirt rider: Brian Foster & Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Paul Osicka & Chad Degroot
-Old school rider: Jerry Galley or Isaac McCrea "Groundchuck"

-Drink: Rum and Coke or Dbl Rum w/no ice
-Trick: Superman Seatgrab 360 or Superman Seatgrab Backflip
-BMX Magazine: Ride or Transworld Bmx
-BMX MC: Barpinner Ryan & Paul Roberts
-Video game: Rock Band
-BMX photographer: Keith Mulligan & Ben Crockett
-BMX filmer: Dave Parick & Mark Eaton
-Girl: All of them but if I had to name one it would be Corey Cofee or Nina
-Sport besides BMX: Freestyle Moto or Vert Skateboarding
-Party: All of them that werent a sausage fest..lol