push it, I want to shoot some clips with some nice new tricks to add to the scene; I want to enjoy the year, ride hard and progress. I also told myself I need to learn some basics, that I skipped once up on a time.

I actually got into flatland because it was the least bloody discipline and it looked damn easy… He he he! But damn, I was wrong! IT IS HARD, but indeed addictive! The addiction started after seeing flatland tricks such as the tail-whip. I realised that I had the proper bike, yet I had to emulate the trick and perform it in my own style... Try after try, bail after bail, it was my stubbornness which made me keep on trying. And when I pulled that damn tail-whip I was so proud – I was hysterical and it was such an awesome feeling! That was when I decided, lets learn something new, I want that feeling back. As the time passed it grew on me and I wanted to become the master of my bike. So now the addiction has become a must. I have to ride, even if I’m injured, I just want to roll and hang out with others.

Think… for sure…. I would not even have become a car mechanic… I think or still wish that I got some kind of intelligence between my ears, which would have saved me if I did not get into BMX riding. BMX riding and its joy guided me and gave me a secure grip of reality and endless opportunities. So unknown answer in short, I don’t know. But Flatland is a never-ending story for me!
Everyone knows that 'addiction' often leads to dangerously excessive habits with adverse side-effects. What countermeasures have you created to defy the addiction process? And have you suffered from any negative side-effects?

If the government banned flatland tomorrow how would you cope? What would you turn to?

In metaphorical terms, how would you define flatland riding?
I would define Flatland riding as climbing a mountain. A mountain got only one destination… The Top! And so does flatland! The top of the mountain to me, represents the perfect execution of a trick or a combination of tricks. Furthermore, you can approach the summit of the mountain in any number of ways – there is a full 360 degree approach to the top of the mountain! Choosing your own route to the summit and sticking to that road is the core of flatland! When utilising an original route to the summit, you really get to enjoy the full panoramic once there. I also think the day that you can deliver a trick on demand, is the day that you have truly mastered your art. At this stage in my life I am still climbing peaks and I love every journey.
Looking back reflectively, how has flatland helped you past lifes hurdles?
Looking back, Flatland was the ‘pages’ when I needed to ‘write’, the ‘shoulder’ when I cried, the ‘light’ when it was ‘dark’, my ‘family’ when I felt alone and it brought me a smile every time I think of it. Flatland was given to me by my uncle Robin Brown and has taken me through everything and given me so much back! Also the mind-set it has provided me with has led to me being able to study and strive for the better things in life!
How many flatland miles are left on the clock?
So far I have never seen one dark hour, so as long as I can hang five, I will not rest!

I have ridden most of my time alone, which helps me enjoy and focus a lot – the flipside is that sometimes this makes me feel lonely but then again, I enjoy it! And riding with a crew gives me another boost of motivation, which helps me to break certain barriers that I would not have conquered alone! Riding with a crew pulls me out of my comfort zone, which sometimes is needed for progression.
How do you stay motivated?
My motivation mainly comes from progression, and I manage to keep it that way by not limiting myself to having a “must”. I ride as it comes and when I feel like going crazy, I go mental! And that’s when I brake barriers. ‘Pulling a trick’ or deciding what my next trick will look like and then actually pulling it is the core of my personal motivation. Want it, do it, conquer it!
In terms of symbolism what exactly does flatland mean to you?
I think flatland projects a person very well, it is a tool to create or convert motivation, energy and feelings into something else which gives one joy and peace. The problem solving methods used in Flatland to create new skills and make the unknown known, symbolizes the lust of progression and life.
If you could select one song, beat or record that encapsulates flatland as an art or lifestyle, what would it be and why?
I like the Track ‘Third World Lover’ by ‘Kid Koala’ at the moment - it is like a story with distortions! Similar to how I see life, you have up’s and down’s, but you follow only one direction: FORWARD! I listen to a lot of good music.
In recent times you have been getting a lot of online

Yeah, I like to meet good people, collaborate and make things happened. And lately I have been fortunate to meet good and cool people to get the chance to do projects. I have started Alpine climbing in France (Chamonix), together with a team (Kamil Tamiola, Luminita Toma and Santiago Katz); and last time we went together with a British climber to Italy (Aosta). Besides doing this I have become fascinated by skydiving, so that will be the next adventure together with excelling in Freestyle BMX. Thanks to awesome collaboration with sponsors and photographers I can make this coverage possible!
What is the score with your sponsors right now?
Jungle rider, Humör Superfoods.nl, ValleySideDistro, Mariener Sunglasses, Childstore

For me financing is hindering my contest schedule a little. I also have heavy school duties! So I am definitely limited! But this year I will definitely go to ‘The BMX Worlds’ in Köln (Cologne)! I also want to do a contest in France later on in the year. And at the end of this year I want to pursue the skydiving and that I would combined with competition. Furthermore, I have got ‘Flatstyles’ (Finland), ‘Vigose’ (Spain) and ‘100PSI’ (Germany) in mind – these are all sweet contests! Last but not least, I don’t want to forget England! I will try to attend ‘King of Southsea’ again! Great fun!
It’s perhaps a little known fact that you are a keen academic – would you like to talk about your plans for the future?
I am a few Exams and one Internship away from finishing a Business engineering program. Nowadays a diploma is important to get a good job! Flatland is good for many things but cannot buy me a house and provide for a future family! So I started this program in the Netherlands and after that I will put my knowledge to use somewhere else.
Is there anything else you wish to discuss?
I hope I will see the whole world gathering in Köln at the BMX worlds in July!
Final words, hollas or shout-outs?
I want to thank everybody (friends , family, riders and non-riders) who believes in me and has supported me! And I love the haters to - we don’t exclude anyone in freestyle! And thank you ValleysideDistro for this interview and welcoming me on board!