-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Nike janoski's or Vans
-Bike company: BSD
-BMX contest: Probably Simple Session, always a crazy as fuck time!
-Bike shop: Alans BMX in Wigan
-Restaurant chain: KFC and Domino's
-Clothing company: Quintin co.
-Phone: iPhone

-Music: I'm into anything and everything
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson/Dennis Enarson
-Street rider: Chad Kerley/Dennis Enarson
-Dirt rider: Chase Hawk
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Old School Jay
-Drink: Fanta fruit twist or vodka and Red bull
-Trick: Rails, whips, spins
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK and albion
-BMX MC: Catfish/Grotbags

-Video game: I never play them but probably Tony Hawks or GTA!
-BMX photographer: Beddows/Ricky/Bancroft
-BMX filmer: Jason Phelan/Alex Donnachie
-Girl: My girlfriend, Emily!
-Sport besides BMX: Motocross
-Party: Any party with good friends and lots of alcohol!