-Colour: Flat black
-Shoes: the ones that fit me
-Bike company: I'm pretty in anyone who gives back to the sport of Bmx. Shout out to the real deal dudes out there.
-BMX contest: Texas Toast
-Bike shop: Sidewall Distro
-Restaurant chain: Tjs pizza wings and things in Denton
-Clothing company: Vclub is not dead
-Phone: iPhones are cool I guess
-Music: Modest Mouse, Pixies, Pink Floyd, The Flaming Lips, anything that catches my ear
-Ramp rider: Morgan Wade
-Vert rider: Mat Hoffman

-Street rider: Randy Taylor
-Dirt rider: Aitken and Doyle
-Flatland rider: Chad Johnson
-Old school rider: Fuzzy Hall
-Drink: Whiskey
-Trick: Tables all damn day
-BMX Magazine: Albion
-BMX MC: not catfish
-Video game: Dave Mirra
-BMX photographer: Walter Pieringer, George Marshall, Travis Kincaid
-BMX filmer: Stew Johnson, George Boyd, Walter Pieringer
-Girl: My girlfriend and my dog
-Sport besides BMX: NASCAR
-Party: naked
All photos by Travis Kincaid: Traviskincaid.com