Name: Dennis Dimke
Age: 19
Hometown: Chemnitz, Germany
The FAT FAVs list:Spot to ride: konkordia skatePark in Chemnitz
Bmx Video: 1st in Chemnitz: on vimeo
Food: fastfood
Movie: Revenge of the warrior
Colour: Orange and Green
Music: Dubstep, drum and bass, Electro
Bmx Magazine: Freedom bmx
Shoes: Nike
Bike company: Superstar, Shadow, Premium etc.
Contest: Gib Gummi, Rollfieber etc.
Bike Shop: Bikersbase etc.
Phone: Sony Ericsson experia ray
Bmx filmer: Pavel auszweimachdrei
Sports besite bmx: bmx sonst nix!
Dirt rider: Jaie Toohey
Street rider: Chad Kerley
Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson
Video game: Cod
Riders to ride with: Ive Anders, Rudi Oeser, Max Hildebrandt