-Riders to ride with: Joel Corbin, Noah Monroe, Keaton Aspuru, Freddie Smith...
-Car: Toyoto Tacoma TRD
-Movie: Transformers 3
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Nike Janoski
-Bike company: Totalbmx
-BMX contest: FL BMX Series
-Bike shop: EmmittBMX
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: Nike
-Phone: iPhone 5
-Music: JJ, Clam's Casino, The Black Keys, and Diplo
-Drink: Coke
-Trick: 360 to downside whip
-BMX Magazine: RIDE
-BMX MC: Chris Crouch
-Video game: GTA 5
-BMX photographer: Kyle Noble
-BMX filmer: Keaton Aspuru
-Girl: Michelle
-Sport besides BMX: Skateboarding
-Party: My mom says I'm not allowed to party
instagram: @jackie_straiton