-Riders to ride with: Randle Walkoviak, Elliot Eubank, Alex Johann, Rob Darden, Jared Ward, Josh Perry, Lane George, Dan sieg.....there are so many
-Car: 1988 Firebird Trans Am
-Movie: The Fourth Kind
-Colour: Black/Gray/White
-Bike company: Machine Bike Co. Hand made in Austin,TX U.S. of A. BOY!
-BMX contest: Trans Jam
-Bike shop: Babits Bikes here in Greenville has been awesome,

-Restaurant chain: Subway
-Clothing company: Famous Stars and Straps since 01' I believe
-Phone: Smart phone that isn't very smart
-Music: Punk/Metal/Jazz haha anything but what is on the radio today, that stuff is just terrible.
-Ramp rider: Dave Mirra, he honestly changed my life when I saw the Mirra Super Tour on ESPN back in 01'. That's what started it all for me
-Street rider: After seeing all the crazy videos dropping lately that one is hard but I've always liked how Josh Harrington kills everything and makes it look so easy. KILLER!
-Dirt rider: Nyquist fo sho! I don't have to say anything else really.....the man is a beast!
-Flatland rider: Isaiah Jordan

-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman, Legend!
-Drink: At this point I'd like to thank the Starbucks by ECU for keeping me on the flow team. Coffee flavored coffee
-Trick: Fufanu's and big tuck 3's
-BMX Magazine: RideBmx Mag
-BMX MC: Dan Sieg is making his name known around here for announcing, pretty good
-Video game: Dave Mirra BMX
-BMX photographer: Darron Monroe
-BMX Filmer: Will Stroud
-Girl: Recently single and freakin loving every minute of it!
-Sport besides BMX: Hockey
-Party: Been having a blast with the homies at 519 lately haha