-BMX contest: UGP ROOTS & Backyard Jams
-Bike shop: Empire
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: Manmade Clothing
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Slingshot Dakota & ARC
-Ramp rider: Kriss Kyle/Matt Roe/Dan Foley
-Street rider: AK
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: All of um, it's awesome
-Old school rider: Voelker
-Drink: Coffee
-Trick: Table Tops
-BMX Magazine: Albion
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Guitar Hero
-BMX photographer: Keith Terra
-BMX Filmer: Joe Simon
-Girl: Cute Ones Follow me! @evansmedley
-Sport besides BMX: Yoga
-Party: All the damn time

Pics: table and one footed darkside by Josh McElwee. Tuck to fakie by Davis Finn