-Person on Instagram: Jason Enns
-Travel destination: I need to travel more...Spain is on the list
-Riders to ride with: Dan Loeppky, Colin Thiessen, Shaun Hildebrandt, any of my friends really
-Car: 1978 Trans Am
-Movie: Ocean's Eleven, or the Bourne trilogy
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Lotek Troops
-Bike company: Sunday
-BMX contest: Texas Toast, and of all time: those old Etnies

-Bike shop: Royal Sports or Sanctoral Cycle
-Restaurant chain: George's Burgers
-Phone: flip phone for the win
-Music: Def Leppard
-Drink: grape soda or eggnog
-Trick: hop three's
-BMX Magazine: The Albion
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Super Smash Bros Melee

-BMX photographer: Devon Hutchins
-BMX Filmer: Christian Rigal
-Girl: my girlfriend
-Website: defgrip.net and TCU
-Web video: Garrett Reeves' Sunday video
-Sport besides BMX: Volleyball...CMU Blazers. Hockey is also awesome.
-Party: one with good food