-Riders to ride with: Everyone
-Car: Toyota
-Movie: Too many to choose but The Departed is good
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Almond or Lotek
-Bike company: Wethepeople
-BMX contest: Texas Toast seems rad
-Bike shop: Turndown Bmx Inc..Best shop hands down on the east coast of Canada
-Clothing company: Pegleg
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Depends what I'm doing
-Riders: all the animal dudes
-Drink: coffee in the day, beer at night
-Trick: Grinds
-BMX Magazine: ridebmx
-BMX MC: Catfish

-BMX photographer: Devin Feil, Dave Scott, Brad Hill, Harley Haskett
-BMX video: Animal all day
-Food: Chicken
-Website: TCU
-BMX Filmer: Charlie Crumlish, Paul Pike, Bob Scerbo and Jon Fennelly
-Girl: Brunette
-Spot to ride: Ledges, rails, polejams, any good setup
-Web video: Theres too many to name but the recent skavenger FYL promo was sick
-Restaurant chain: Taco Bell just because it's not in Newfoundland
-Sport besides BMX: Hockey
-Party: On