Website - haha, well FATBMX of course!
Web video - I'm going to be bias here and plug "jamescofilm us trip" on vimeo..hahaha boom! Ok I liked the latest Colin Mackay edit from Haro and Bliss n eso/ceekay jones new music video.
Food - Homemade roast
Twitter to follow - don't use twitter
Person on Instagram - Is this suppose to be bmx related? Probably Nasty. He doesn't give a shit..haha.
Travel Destination - California & NSW north coast are my favourites.
Riders to ride with - Every time I'm out lately it's usually Alex Mamo, Ermz, The Daniell bros, Danimal, Pat Oneil, Adam Haugh, Igor, Daniel Taylor & Brad Mas..Probably forgot a couple there.
Car - John buultjens beast he bought off Dennis Enarson. It's delicious.

Movie - I watched tombstone the most.
Colour - Blue
Shoes - Vans
Bike company - I ride a T1 Garret made at S&M, So both!
Bmx contest - Redbull dreamline with out doubt. We changed our mind not to go last minute, been suffering from it ever since.
Bike shop - haha, hmm... Riding way, Strictly BMX and The Anchor I guess.. All Melbourne based shops. It seems people either support one or the other. I have no reason to do that plus I'm not caught up in BMX or give two shits really...I just shop local.
Restaurant chain - grilled
Clothing company - Wrangler
Phone - IPhone
Music - My brother and dad kick ass. I listen religiously to Johnny

Ramp rider - Watched Dennis Enarson in San Diego, he's f*cked.
Park rider - Rooftop
Street rider - Cory Martinez, I haven't seen him do jibs.
Dirt rider - Brian Foster, no reason needed
Flatland rider - Simon O'brien, he's Aussie.
Old school rider - Would Fuzzy Hall and Dave Mirra fit in there yet?

Drink - Kosciuszko and Jack Daniels, I'm a raging alcoholic. Hah nah but I do enjoy a drop.
Trick - No foot cans and tables, no tricky dicky flicky. I'm pretty simple.
Bmx magazine - Rebelyell, 2020, Ride US.
Bmx MC - Dre from Aus, he's pretty loud.
Video game - Anything that shoots, rides, skates & drives.
Bmx photographer - My friend James Pattinson use to take a snazzy shot.
Bmx filmer - Will Stroud. Local I'll have to go with Rosenthal films, (no worries Danimal) haha.
Girl - My girlfriend Brittany of course!
Sport besides BMX - I am packing my surf board, fishing Rod & guitar after this....I love watching Moto free riding too, so I hope to get a bike before I'm cactus. All sport is good, can't limit yourself.
Party - I'm good at partying.
Photo credits:
-superman, Sean Rice.
-Fast plant to table, Doug Underhill
-Tbog, Gorak.
-Guitar with brother on the right - Danimal.
-1 hand 1 foot table, James Pattinson.