-Dirt rider: Dugan

-Flatland rider: Matthias
-Old school rider: Edwin
-Drink: cloudy apple
-Trick: toboggan
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-BMX MC: Ferg
-Video game: COD g
-BMX photographer: Ben Stewart
-BMX Filmer: Ennis

-Girl: Kim K
-Sport besides BMX: golf with Koston
-Spot to ride: any flat rail or flat ledge.
-Website: datpiff
-Web video: Lacey and Morrow federal edit.
-Food: nandos
-Twitter to follow: @harryrushworth
-Person on Instagram: @harryrushworth
-Travel destination: London
-Riders to ride with: Terrace Crew.

-Car: Bugatti
-Movie: Get rich die tryin'
-Colour: white
-Shoes: half cabs
-Bike company: the trip
-BMX contest: Danson jam hahah
-Bike shop: cheapest place
-Restaurant chain: nandos
-Clothing company: supreme
-Phone: iPhone of course
-Music: 50 cent
-Party: the squat