First Todd Lyons as he's online 24-7 last me as I got a lot on at the moment! been riding a lot since the rain finally stopped!
Is that the same way it would be on the track? On a fair race with the 5 of you on the gate, what would be the results?
Easy: 1st Dale Holmes, 2nd Greg Romero, 3rd Robbie Miranda, 4th Todd Lyons, 5th Derek Betcher!
If you had to do 5 jumps at a KOD contest on a 15 foot double
jump, what would they be?
Dead Sailor, Pedal in the air, Airplane landing , back wheel touching the ground first my classic jump!, Kick Out, One hander bowlegged!
Who gets most visits/hits on their site?
DaleHolmes.com over 1000 a day! we're big time dude!
Who spends most time updating their site?
Got to be Robbie as he aways got to do stuff on our sites when we get stuck. Right now I think me and Wildman update the most though!
Who designed your website?
Robbie Miranda, he does all our sites except Betchers I think! RM is the Web designing king!
Do you spend more time on the bike than behind the computer?
I'm about 2 hours a day on line, for sure I ride my bike more than that and have been for over 25 years!
When did you start your website?
About 3 years ago.
What's the coolest feature on your site?
Whats the latest! when I can not think of a headline I always write, Whats the latest! it's now a joke as people call me up or see me at the track and say just that. Bill Grad loves that word! I'm thinking of getting some tee shirt made with it on!
Last comments:
Go take a peek at DaleHolmes.com We got bigger things to come this summer, the fans love it!