Kye Forte: Obviously there will be a lot of practice on the course and there’s going to be a session at our indoor spot in the barn, and then another evening with a session at Decoy, it’s breaking up the week where you’re not stuck in one spot. There’s going to be big meals, parties, we’re just trying to make it that people will enjoy themselves really.

Kye Forte: Pretty good. Most of the time when I’m at home, I have somebody to ride with. It’s pretty scary sometimes watching my brothers ride. Toby had a nasty crash in the skatepark recently and spent four weeks on intensive care, it was a scary moment for the family. We were basically rolling back to the cars when it happened, he wasn’t wearing a helmet then.

Kye Forte: We normally always wear helmets. It’s just now I’m considering if it’s worth it to go for certain transfers and tricks. Do I really want to do this myself or am I doing it for someone else? I’m just going to do things I want to do and can’t be bothered about anything else.
Did you ever have pegs on your bike?
Kye Forte: I actually got a pair of pegs in my bag. Lately I’ve been messing around with them. I’m a racer you know.
You recently spent some time in America, what made you go there?
Kye Forte: The main reason for me to go to America is for the weather. You can ride every day and have stuff to ride.

Kye Forte: Maybe you could. It’s just all my sponsors are right there in California which make thins easier.
What’s on your program for 2007?
Kye Forte: First I went to America which was pretty hectic, then I went to Germany for the T-Mobile Extreme Playground that got rained out and now it’s working towards the Red Bull Empire of Dirt event . I’m overseeing the course. Then it’s probably Elevation in Canada, the BMX Masters, I’m definitely going to the Rebel Jam and go on road trips just to enjoy riding.
Do you prefer road trips and filming/shooting pics over entering contests?
Kye Forte: Because of my racing background I’m competitive and I’ve always enjoyed contests. It’s a weird thing, I like the evenings, I like the hanging out and part of it, when you do well, you feel good. Sometimes you win and make money and stuff which feels good and sometimes you’re just there for three days and think I’d rather just go and work. When you film something, it just takes an hour and when you pull something you put it on the internet and the next day thousands of people have watched it and at contests people might not even know that you got first.

Kye Forte: People might think I’m making a load of money off of BMX when they hear that I bought a house and stuff but my wife works and I’m away a lot and we’re just living our normal lives without flashy cars and stuff.
Was you family always involved in BMX or did you do some other sports when you grew up?
Kye Forte: My dad was racing motorbikes, motorbike riding and racing and we grew up around bikes. BMX was next really.

Kye Forte: When it’s not riding I’m probably on the computer, or digging, or building ramps and I spend a lot of time with my wife. I like hanging out with my mates, I like riding motocross, I’ve got a fifty and I ride that and mess around.
You have your own blog at the United website, how’s that going?
Kye Forte: When I first got it, it was a bit weird to write about yourself and have a photo of yourself up on the site but if people want to read it, they can, it’s not like they’re being forced. If they’re interested in the things that I’m doing they can visit the blog. I’m trying to keep it interesting and fun and according to Ian it’s getting quite a lot of hits.
Anything to say to wrap this up?
Kye Forte: The young generation of BMX might think that there is loads of money in BMX but there’s not. There is money in it in the industry but in England you can’t make loads of money by just riding. You can make money if you’re entering and winning all the contests. Stay true to what BMX is. Don’t try to be a skateboarder, don’t try to be a freestyle motocrosser, just be what BMX is, really.
Hit the image below to see Kye talk about the Empire of Dirt:

Empire of Dirt myspace website