-Old School Rider: Dan Hubbard
-Shoes: Vans half cabs
-BMX contest: FISE Montpellier
-Restaurant chain: Jersey Mike's
-Clothing company: Nike
-Phone: iphone 5s
-Music: anything that sounds good, mainly rap
-Video game: Call of Duty mw2
-Drink: Arizona Ice tea
-Trick: superwhips
-BMX Magazine: 2020 bmx

-Girl: Lily Collins
-Sport Besides BMX: water sports
-Spot to ride: Ladera Ranch skatepark, California
-Website: vitalbmx.com
-Web video: Drew Bezanson joyride edit filmed by Justin Soule
-Food: Mangos and skittles
-Travel destination: Sourthern California

-Riders to ride with: Ryan Guettler, Brad Thomas, Drew Bezanson
-Car: Subaru Forrester
-Movie: Step Brothers
-Colour: blue
-Party: event after party’s