-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: MX Vs. ATV Alive (I don't really play video games though)
-BMX photographer: Murphy Lee Moschetta
-BMX Filmer: Geo Jenkins (Deek Design)
-Girl: Jennifer Aniston
-Sport besides BMX: Snowboarding
-Spot to ride: The Wheel Mill
-BMX video: Markit Zero
-Website: wimp.com
-Web video: Harry Main's Showtime Edit
-Food: Pizza
-Twitter to follow: @redbull
-Person on Instagram: @mikehucker
-Travel destination: Cape May, New Jersey
-Riders to ride with: Tyler Valentik, Cam Girvin, Glenn Johnson, Colin and Zach Shafer, Murphy Lee Moschetta, Nate and Lukas Halahan, and Mike and Mark Potoczny
-Car: Volkswagen
-Movie: Forrest Gump

-Colour: Purple
-Shoes: Vans (chukka lows)
-Bike company: Hoffman Bikes
-BMX contest: Simple Session
-Bike shop: Big Bang Bicycles
-Restaurant chain: Subway
-Clothing company: Levi's
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Classic Rock
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Party: I'm not about that life
These were all taken by: Murphy Lee Moschetta