Probably about 5 years ago was when I discovered Simple Session.

David Lieb: I just always kind of figured it was somewhere in Europe. I'll probably go check on a map after I'm done typing this!
Now you’re on the riders list, how does that make you feel?
David Lieb: It's a pretty wild feeling! It almost feels unreal. I've always watched it on the live feed and now people back home will be watching me on it. It's an awesome feeling!
What was your first impression when you saw the drawings of the 2014 course?
David Lieb: It looks really fun and I'm sure it'll be great! Simple Session is always a massive course so figuring out some lines will be pretty difficult I imagine!
When do you first get to ride the set up? Any obstacle in particular that you want to hit up first thing?
David Lieb: I think I'll probably go straight for the volcano with the DC wedges. Looks fun and tech.
Making finals will be tough in a strong field like this. How do you see your chances?
David Lieb: I'm just glad to be there. Sure I'm going to try to put down a solid run and as long as I land my run I'll be happy with the results. I'm not a person who's set on winning when I compete, I would rather ride good for myself and then if that happens to be enough it's even better!
With the live webcast thousands of people will be watching you ride, plus about 2000 pretty girls will be there in person. Are you getting nervous yet?
David Lieb: I don't really get nervous at contests because I try not to put pressure on myself to win. But who knows what will happen to me with that many people there! Haha
Who is your pick for first place this year?
David Lieb: I pretty much always count on Drew Bezanson.
Do you have any people you want to thank for making it to Simple Session 2014?
David Lieb: I couldn't have ever gotten this far without my mom and dad's support!