-Web video: Gees, there are so many good ones out there it's hard to only pick a few
-Food: anything fresh and tasty
-Travel destination: I love small island countries
-Riders to ride with: Nick Harris, Tony Snowden, Josh Davis
-Car: old one :)
-Movie: Shawshank Redemption, The Prestige, Rternal Sunshine of A spotless mind, and the list goes on and on!
-Colour: I'm really into blue and red at the moment

-Shoes: Vans and Nike mainly
-BMX contest: mmmmm
-Restaurant chain: not too sure
-Clothing company: anything fresh
-Phone: Samsung s4
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson, Tom Dugan, Chase Hawk
-Street rider: Garrett, Chad, Ty, Bruno, Nick Harris, Shane Weston, just to mention a few
-Dirt rider: Nyquist, Hucker
-Old School Rider: Ryan Nyquist is the man!
-Trick: Anything fakie, and bar spins never get old
-Girl: there's only one haha Justine
-Sport Besides BMX: Bit of snowboarding in the winter and skydiving every other weekend.
-Party: Not so much anymore, but when I do it's always good times.