Diogo Santos: Just a couple of years ago, probably when riders like Lacey and Ty got in the Contest, can't remember the year.
Did you have to look on a map to find out where Estonia actually was?
Diogo Santos: Shame to myself at that time, I didn't when I arrived there I realised it was really up north, never complained about the cold after visit that place ahahaha.
Now you’re on the riders list, how does that make you feel?
Diogo Santos: feeling good obviously, great opportunity to ride with so many crazy ass pleople and meet all de Federal mates as well.
What was your first impression when you saw the drawings of the 2014 course?
Diogo Santos: Completely adapted to the nowadays BMX riding standards.
When do you first get to ride the set up? Any obstacle in particular that you want to hit up first thing?
Diogo Santos: The vulcan thing with the bank to bank gap on the side.
Making finals will be tough in a strong field like this. How do you see your chances?

Diogo Santos: normaly my nervous blow up my chances ahahah.
With the live webcast thousands of people will be watching you ride, plus about 2000 pretty girls will be there in person. Are you getting nervous yet?
Diogo Santos: Just few hours before you're going to ride.
Who is your pick for first place this year?
Diogo Santos: A gyro dude.
Do you have any people you want to thank for making it to Simple Session 2014?
Diogo Santos: Obviously the guys who help me out, Merritt Parts, Federal Bikes, DuB bmx, Zooyork and Vans Shoes.