-Food: All halal food!
-Travel destination: Barcelona and Germany!
-Riders to ride with: Waktong, Ah Liang, Mack, Jason Phelan, David Budko and Karolis Jonikas!
-Car: Kancil Kecik... hahaha!
-Movie: Saving Private Ryan and Batman!
-Spot to ride: JAP's garden
-Colour: Black/Red.
-Shoes: DC shoe and Vans!
-BMX contest: Fise!
-Clothing company: District!
-Phone: Samsung cap ayam!
-Music: All music!
-Ramp rider: Alex Coleborn and Ben Wallace!
-Street rider: Rob Wise, David Budko, Ratboy and Van Homan...

-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle, TJ Lavin and Nasty....
-Old School Rider: Mark Gonzales
-Drink: Zam Zam Drink, Ketum, hahaha!
-Trick: 180's, pegs, 360-whip, superman-whip!
-BMX Magazine: Ridebmx and Dig Mag!
-Girl: tettttttt........
-Sport Besides BMX: Fishing and Ping-Pong...
-Party: Party Pampai Pagi....