-Riders to ride with: All the local AZ homies! Ryan Chadwick, Loofa, Sam Buros, Dustin Orem, KC Badger, Bobby Kanode, Drew Hosselton, Joey Motta, Troy Blair, Cody and Dawson Clark (Wonder Twins), Lahsaan Kobza, Frank Parks, Joey Torres etc. etc.
-Spot to ride: I love spots that everyone can session. Weather its a ledge, rail, ditch, or even just a manual pad. Riding with a group of friends is always the best!
-BMX video: Mediocre at Best.

-Website: mediocreatbest.bigcartel.com
-Web video: Mediocre at Best Mixtape.
-Food: I love pretty much everything. Fast food, Cornish Pastys, Mexican, Italian, Asian, Seafood.
-Twitter to follow: @shadowbmx @volumebikes
-Person on Instagram: @theshadowconspiracy @volumebikes
-Car: Any old VW's. I currently have a 63 Beetle and a 78 Rabbit. Motorcycles are awesome too, I recently just finished turning my 77 Suzuki GS550 cafe style bike into a chopper. Couldn't be any more stoked on how she turned out. I rip that bike around everyday!
-Movie: I'm not the biggest movie guy so I don't really have a

-Colour: I'm a blue or green type of guy. Although I pretty much only wear all black or neutral colors like grey and white.
-Shoes: Anything with good grip and heel protection.
-Bike company: Volume and Shadow!!
-BMX contest: Texas Toast!!
-Bike shop: Kore Bikes in Tempe, AZ which is run by my good friend Erik Hilburn.
-Restaurant chain: Cornish Pasty Co. I've been working there for 4 years and I'm currently a kitchen/store manager. If you're in the Phoeinx, AZ area or now our new location in Vegas, check us out! Great food, beer, and atmosphere. You won't be disappointed. www.cornishpastyco.com
-Clothing company: Volume has some sweet shirts and Shadow always has a full line of awesome "head-to-toe" softgoods
-Phone: Iphone duh.
-Music: I love everything but I mostly like metal/doom/classic

-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson riding joyride, insanity!
-Street rider: AK, Simone Barraco. Both have steez for days!
-Dirt rider: DOYLE, DOYLE, DOYLE! haha Mulville is a madman too, love to watch him shred.
-Flatland rider: Paul Osicka, loved his part in Standard Country.
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman, legend.
-Drink: Mainly drink water, tea or lemonade. Soda would be Mountain Dew, Root Beer or Dr. Pepper. A few beers are always nice too, haha.
-Trick: Manual or Icepick, there's no greater feeling than going fast, leaning back and locking into a long one.
-BMX Magazine: I love 'em all really. It's a shame that they're dying in interest though...
-Video game: DAVE MIRRA BMX 2!
-BMX photographer: Jeff Z, Fudger. Their stuff is always dialed.
-BMX Filmer: Ryan Chadwick, Mike Mastroni and Bobby Kanode.
-Girl: My girl Rita. She's a mega babe!
-Sport besides BMX: I like watching football whenever it's on.
-Party: I don't party too crazy but I like hanging out with good friends and throwin back a few beers.
Photos taken by Spenser "Loofa" Lee