-Website: Ridebmx, FATBMX
-Web Video: Dakota Roche-Talk Is Cheap
-Food: Hot Dog Punto Burguer
-Twitter To Follow: @Fadefootwear
-Car: Combis
-Movie: The Butterfly Effect
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Fadefootwear
-Travel Destination: Ecuador
-Riders To Ride With: Steven Pedraza, Jorguito, Turro, The Gueto, Michael Mogollon, Alfredo, Frank, Bugs, And Another Friends.
-Bike Company: Odyssey
-Bmx Contest: Simple Session
-Bike Shop: Ciclo-Niche
-Restaurant Chain: Surti Aves 22 (Chicken)
-Clothing Company: Dickies
-Phone: LG Wireless Fm Not Into Fancy Stuff
-Music: French Rap, Metal..
-Ramp Rider: Dennis Enarson
-Street Rider: Ty Morrow
-Dirt Rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland Rider: Terry Adams
-Old School Rider: Ryan Nyquist
-Drink: Demon Energy Drink
-Trick: Any Grind, Some 3 Tabes For Sure!
-Bmx Magazine : Dig?
-Bmx Mc: Catfish
-Video Game: Skate 2 And Skate 3
-Bmx Photographer: Juan Paez
-Bmx Filmer: Miles
-Girl: Blondes
-Sport Besides Bmx: No
-Party: Just Drink And Walk Downtown... Good Vibes