1) What does the Elevation comp mean to you? Good times riding bmx with great friends, doesn't get better than that!
2) Do you fancy riding real trails going down a hill? I fancy any type of trails.
3) Have you seen photos of the 2007 dirt jumps yet? I have seen some photo's of the jumps, they look amazing. I have been counting the day's till Elevation.
4) How bad do you think it is that Dirt is no longer a discipline in the X-Games?

It sucks in a way, X games is pretty big in the public eye and for sponsors. But they were never pushing things to a new level, nothing was changing. Elevation is how it should have been done from the beginning!
5) Do you have any tricks you want show on the last big set? No, just going to hold on and scream, OH SHIT!
6) I would be stoked on (choose one): a) A top 3 score
b) Making finals
c) Don't care about the placing, I just want to ride Elevation with my buddies
Rob Darden: I'm going with C, but B wouldn't be bad.
7) Thanks to: Jay Miron for the invite to an amazing weekend. All the boy's for working so hard on the jumps, shit looks amazing!