-BMX video: the Deadline DVD
-Website: Freedombmx
-Web video: fiending
-Food: Falafel
-Twitter to follow: no twitter
-Person on Instagram: follow @niklasbmx
-Travel destination: Barcelona
-Riders to ride with: all Cologne homies
-Car: mom's Picasso
-Movie: the Wolf of Wallstreet
-Colour: Bordeaux Red
-Shoes: no Favorite
-Bike company: Premium
-BMX contest: none haha, streetjams
-Bike shop: Peoples Store Cologne
-Restaurant chain: Vapiano
-Clothing company: this and that
-Phone: IPhone 4, fucked haha
-Music: A bit of everthing
-Ramp rider: Kriss Kyle
-Street rider: Garrett, Ty, Bruno, AK... Too many to pick one
-Dirt rider: Dennis Enarson
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: don't know
-Drink: Coffee
-Trick: Manual/Icepick
-BMX Magazine: Freedombmx
-Video game: no Gaming at all
-BMX photographer: Ben McPherson
-BMX Filmer: My homie Niklas Beyer
-Girl: no girl
-Sport besides BMX: school sports
-Party: Housepartys, street chills
Pics by Ben McPherson.