-Riders to ride with: 4AFundo Crew.

-Car: Citroen saxo.
-Movie: "StarDust Memories" Woody Allen.
-Colour: Blue
-Bike company: United
-BMX contest: Activa Jam
-Bike shop: BonesBMX
-Restaurant chain: Portuguese traditional food.
-Phone: Indestructive oldschool nokia.
-Music: Led Zeppelin
-Ramp rider: Helio Sequeira.
-Street rider: David Lourenço.

-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken.
-Flatland rider: Pedro/ Erico Melo.
-Old school rider: Paulo Martins.
-Website: digbmx.com
-Trick: Tabletop
-BMX Magazine: DIG
-BMX MC: Punkalhaço.
-Video game: Don't play that much.
-Twitter to follow: Don't have.
-Person on Instagram: Don't have one.

-Travel destination: Annecy, France.
-BMX photographer: João Figueiredo.
-BMX Filmer: Richard Forne.
Pics contributed by Daniel Americo and taken by Joao Figueiredo, Check his tumblr