Name: Michael Stahl
Age: 20
Hometown: Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Hook-ups/Sponsors: time2shine
The favorite list: -Spot to ride: As long as I can grind I don't really care
-Food: chips
-Twitter to follow: I don't use Twitter often.
-Person on Instagram: I don't get on enough to have a favorite person.
-Travel destination: anywhere
-Riders to ride with: Rainer Etsweiler, Jordan Prince, Brandon Latchern, Mike Fede, Brandon Kaefer, Kevin Little, Allan Semmont,
-Car: Chrysler 300
-Movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. The world
-Colour: green
-Shoes: Almond duke high
-Bike company: Sunday
-BMX contest: all street contests
-Bike shop: time 2 shine
-Restaurant chain: Apple bee's, Jimmy John's
-Clothing company: rave nectar, Levi
-Phone: side kick (I wish I had one)
-Music: Mac Miller
-Ramp rider: Kriss Kyle
-Street rider: Dakota Roche
-Dirt rider: Mike "hucker" Clark
-Flatland rider: all of them
-Old school rider: How would you feel if some one called you an old school rider?
-Drink: vanilla milkshake
-Trick: crank flips
-BMX Magazine: Transworld Ride bmx
-Video game: Call Of Duty zombies
-BMX photographer: Brandon Kaefer
-BMX Filmer: Brandon Kaefer
-Girl: slutz haha
-BMX video: Cult talk is cheap, Deadline
-Website: tcu,
-Web video: Stevie Churchill oss 2014
-Sport besides BMX: skateboarding
-Party: the party that I crowd surfed