-BMX video: Drew Bezanson Returns

-Website: vitalbmx.com
-Web video: Anthem II
-Food: Pretty much every Italian food
-Twitter to follow: @NunoFariaBMX even tho I think twitter is gay haha
-Person on Instagram: Myself haha, @nunofariabmx
-Travel destination: Nothing’s better than spending a summer at Woodward haha
-Riders to ride with: My homie Rodrigo and all my friends
-Car: My granddads Peugeot 206 yoooo
-Movie: Control
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: DVS Shoes
-Bike company: Mutantbikes
-BMX contest: Marisquiño in Vigo, Spain
-Bike shop: Icon Bike Store
-Restaurant chain: Burger King, everyone loves fast food restaurants once in a while
-Clothing company: Matix Clothing, DVS and LRG
-Phone: iPhone 5
-Music: Hip Hop, Indie, Tech/Deep house, hardcore, (it’s hard to pick one up)
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson, Brian Hunt, Kevin Peraza and Anthony Napolitan.
-Street rider: Damn, it’s hard to pick only one so, Aaron Ross, Sean Sexton, Stevie Churchill and Chase D.
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken, Chris Doyle, Jack Marchant and Ben Wallace
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Ruben Alcantara
-Drink: Water
-Trick: Tailwhip
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Gran Tourism 5
-BMX Filmer: Mike King
-Girl: Enjoying being single for now hahaha
-Sport besides BMX: Surf and Ski
-Party: Everywhere as long as I have my friends around