-Colour: Black/white.
-Shoes: Janoskis.
-Bike company: BSD forever man.
-BMX contest: Mmm nah.
-Bike shop: Source.
-Restaurant chain: Ichiban.
-Clothing company: American Apparel.
-Phone: iPhone.
-Music: Sabbath.
-Ramp rider: Chei.
-Street rider: Winchey.
-Dirt rider: Weench.
-Flatland rider: Dennis T. Blocker.
-Old school rider: Chris Winch
-Drink: Pour me a whiskey and leave the bottle.
-Trick: Just a simple jump or air will do me fine.
-BMX Magazine: Dig.
-BMX MC: George Eccleston.
-Video game: Nope.
-BMX photographer: Vince/Joe/Simon/fred
-BMX Filmer: Dave Sowerby
-Girl: The Girl.
-Sport besides BMX: Skateboarding.
-Party: Unit Party.