Ben: How do you feel about the mellow park closing even tho they only moving it.
- I don't know, it definitely feels weird speaking or thinking about that. The fact that the current park will not be at the old spot is sad but I´m also very open and optimistic for a new soil. We´ll see.
Ben: We have spent alot of time traveling together and drinking alot . Where is the best place you think we have been together.
- I would say Greece in 2006 for sure! A lot of laughing incl the pain from it.
Ben: If I offered you one hundred euros could you do a barspin to manual first go?
- fuck ya - sure man, first try!! But damn, there are always those 50% I don't pull them...

- Pretty good. I don't think anything will change, except that we even will have kids one day. We´ll see.
Ben: If I said the word GREECE to you wot would you think?
- Good times laughing - (tickle tickle squeeze squeeze - TM comment)
Ben: What do you think about me putting a front brake on?
- Well then you would only "gu nuts un thu munurump"
Ben: Tobi?
- yeah?
Ben: Nusht!
- Ben, it´s NÜSCHT and not nuscht! But thanks for nüscht you crazy Brit.

- Pretty freaky. Everyone is trying to be the best and will do anything possible to proofe it. But it´s also a lot of fun for sure - each to his own you know.
Ben: Do you think we are alcoholics when we traveling? With us drinking vodka redbull for breakfast?
- For breakfast? I think it was that final drink we had at 7am in the hotel before we went to bed. Alcoholics? No way!
Ben: Do you have anything to say to me or anyone else. PUSSY?!
- Yeah - you better watch your speak, haha!
Ben: Any thanks? You don't have to thank me for teaching you all your tricks dude, don't stress.
- Thanks to my darling Claudi, she always supports me and loves me like I love her. And thanks to you Bennon for teaching me all these tricks and making a star out of me. Thanks to Mike at Carhartt, Andy and Nadia at Eastpak, RedBull, Vans, wethepeople...Thanks!