-Food: Cake!
-Twitter to follow: I don't have a Twitter.
-Person on Instagram: Inukbmx
-Travel destination: Greenland.
-Riders to ride with: My friend's from Greenland and Denmark!
-Movie: Jim Carrey movie's
-Spot to ride: Almost anything as long as I am in my bike so I'm happy!
-Colour: Blue.
-Bike company: Totalbmx
-BMX contest: Simple Session
-Music: I listen to everything, it depends on what I'm doing
-Drink: Water. HaHa!
-Trick: Tech stuff!
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Phone game Candy Crush. ;P
-BMX photographer: Paw Friis.
-BMX Filmer: Christian Rigal
-Girl: Helene Lennert!