As of feb 28th I'm no longer working at Audi, and have been traveling, playing shows, working on the VW, and hanging out with my girlfriend Carrie.
How much time do you spend on the bike compared to playing the bass?
When I was younger I was a singer in a band, and we practiced everyday after school. Lately riding hasn't been the number one priority in my life and I find myself practicing a couple times a week.
BMX is about traveling and riding new spots. Is playing in the band take you places too?
I've definitely been to a lot of places because of my bike, but with the band it's different. We’ve planned on doing a couple of tours but haven’t done any yet. Maybe one day we'll go out and do a tour.
What's harder, inventing new tricks or composing new riffs?
I've never really thought of myself as someone who invented tricks, but thank you. A lot of the tricks that I have done have been things I've come up with along time ago, and just never had the proper setup. Most of the time they are combinations of tricks that I usually do. With writing new riffs I know it sounds emo, but it has a lot to do with how I'm feeling when I grab the bass. A lot of times I’ll just come up with a little line that I like and when we as a band jam it comes together.
What's your bike of choice today?
VOLUME dinosaur gray. Complete with ANIMAL parts.
What's your instrument of choice today?
The same bass I've had for the past 8 years. Black Jackson Charvel
What's easier for you, riding by yourself or playing bass by yourself?
Bob Scerbo and I grew up only a few blocks from each other, and known each other since kindergarten. So I never really rode by myself. The northern NJ scene was always pretty full of riders. With bass playing, a lot of times I'll put an old record on and learn how to play some of my favorite songs. That’s always fun.
Who do you ride with and who do you play music with?
I ride with Ralph and friends at Animal. And sometimes some of the rodeo peanut guys. I just came back from a trip from Mexico with Edwin, Vinnie and Corey. It was a Red Bull trip. That was FUN!
Will music take you as far as BMX has taken you?
I never had any expectations with riding or music. I'm content with what I'm doing with both. Having you guys do a little interview with me about the band is more than I expected with the band. thanx
Word association:
2-HIp: shady
Heavy Metal: over it
New York: street
The tour bus: smelly
Contests: people getting rocked
Concerts: not like the old days
Handrails: been over it
Backstage: sketchy
Brakeless: edwin
Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll: circle jerks
[url=http://www.myspace.com/wordsaway]Listen to the Words Away songs by clicking here. Check out the video while you're there[/url]