-Food: This new Mexican place opened up recently. That's pretty mean.
-Twitter to follow: Don't use it, I hate texting let alone tweeting every mindless thought. Haha!
-Person on Instagram: @tbvophoto @georgemarshallphoto
-Travel destination: Austin, PA and Rhode Island was amazing
-Riders to ride with: Wellington crew, for the banter. Always fun.
-Car: Suzuki Baleno
-Movie: Fight Club, Anchorman, Lock Stock
-Colour: Black. Haha
-Shoes: Been rocking etnies for the past 5 years or so. Trying a pair of Verve shoes at the moment, they're pretty rad!
-Bike company: S&M and Fly. Best stuff out!
-BMX contest: Kill The Line was pretty cool, as was Roast It (R.I.P)
-Bike shop: Top Gear Cycles. Circuit BMX and Daily Grind stateside. Vic and Chuck have a rad thing going!
-Restaurant chain: Burgerfuel
-Clothing company: Tommy Hilfiger. Can't get into PMP without it.-Phone: iPhone, I guess.
-Music: Currently a mix of W.A.S.P., Judas Priest and The Growlers
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson, Kriss Kyle, Dean Cueson
-Street rider: Garrett Reeves, Garrett Reynolds, Steven Hamilton, Van Homan
-Dirt rider: Chris Harti, Clint Reynolds, Chris Doyle and Jake "Gypsy" Prebble
-Flatland rider: I should have one, but anyone who rides flat impresses me really.
-Old school rider: Dave Osato was/is the man. Does that count as old school?
-Drink: Double Brown, or coffee from Eruption Cafe. Depends on the time.
-Trick: Nose dive 3s continue to get me stoked.
-BMX Magazine: The Albion, still enjoy reading the past issues.
-BMX MC: Alan Montefiore or Weezy for the most ridiculous lines.
-Video game: Pumped BMX
-BMX photographer: George Marshall or Ricky Adam
-BMX Filmer: Rich Forne
-Girl: Micaela Lacy
-Sport besides BMX: Tiddlywinks, Extreme Knitting
-Party: Any time Wellington or Queenstown is involved, it's guaranteed to be loose!
360 Table/Flip: Sam Skinner
Groundchuck: Kieran Liddicoat
Others poached from Instagram etc.: Cameron Stewart