-Website: YouTube
-Web video: Kyle and Logan training for the Olympics
-Food: McDonald's
-Travel destination: America
-Car: Ford Fiesta
-Movie: Wolf of Wall Street
-Colour: Purple
-Shoes: DC Nyjahs
-Bike company: Colony
-BMX contest: Dew tour
-Bike shop: Ridehard
-Restaurant chain: McDonald's
-Clothing company: Id2
-Phone: iPhone 6
-Favorite person on Twitter: Don't have Twitter
-Favorite Instagram: Shock mansion
-Riders to ride with: Josh king, Quayde Bon, Cam Peake, Brad Holt
-Music: Anything that's good!
-Ramp rider: Kyle Baldock
-Street rider: Chad Kerley
-Dirt rider: Ben Wallace
-Flatland rider: Adam Kun
-Old school rider: Matt Hoffman
-Drink: Tea
-Trick: 3 down whip
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx
-BMX MC: Catfish for sure
-Video game: Gta
-BMX photographer: Jeff Brockmeyer
-Girl: Diana Dahlgren
-Sport besides BMX: Motocross
-Party: Anywhere where there's drinks and cake