Web video: BSD ride to glory 2010 and 2011 Food: pizzas and burgers
Travel Destination: not been anywhere yet but going to holland soon
Riders to ride with: Matt Nicklen with the N2T, Dan Haensel, Allister Loughran, Louis Parker, Jordan English, Jack Howe, Rob Hare all my friends from baiter and anyone who is up for having a good time riding
Car: Ford Mustang
Movie: the original italian job
Colour: Red
Shoes: Vans Half Cabs Originals not Pros
Bike Company: Volume Bikes
BMX Contest: Monday Mayhem at Prevail Skatehouse sponsored by Entity and N2T
Bike Shop: Entity Bike Shop
Restaurant Chain: KFC, McDonalds, Subway, Dominoes
Clothing Company: Vans and Shorties Design
Phone: iphone 5c Favourite
Instagram: N2T and Entity Bike Shop Music: good rock and roll like led zepplin, rolling stones and the beatles and anything that sounds good
Ramp rider: Kriss Kyle and Chaz Mailey
Street rider: Alex Donnachie and Dennis Ennison
Dirt Rider: Mike 'Hucker' Clark and Kris Fox
Old School Rider: Ryan Nyquist and Matt Hoffman
Drink: Coca Cola and Desperado
Trick: Cliffhangers
BMX Magazine: Ride UK and The Albion
BMX MC: Steve Shave
Video game: Pump BMX, Tony Hawkes American Wasteland
Girl: my girlfriend Emily Desborough
Sport beside BMX: skateboarding, play football with friends
BMX video: Kriss Kyle at Home
Website: www.entitybmxshop.com