-Colour: Rasta camo weed leaf blood splatter
-Shoes: Thrift store finds
-Bike company: t1 probably
-BMX contest: idk.
-Bike shop: idk.
-Restaurant chain: Moes is nice.
-Clothing company: I just go to thrift stores now
-Phone: Iphone
-Favorite person on Twitter: Don't have it.
-Favorite Instagram: hacksaw_liferz
-Music: 90's and older hip hop. Woody Guthrie. Charlie Feathers. John Prine. Basically depressing country or dope hip hop.
-Street rider: Everyone I ride with
-Ramp rider: Ruben
-Dirt rider: Honda fellas
-Flatland rider: idk
-Old school rider: Hoffman
-Drink: Genesee fever
-Trick: Kicker to flat
-BMX Magazine: idk
-BMX MC: idk
-Video game: Going outside
-BMX photographer: Red beard
-Girl: K8 lol
-Sport besides BMX: Film, photography, www.flickr.com/photos/cornblorn
-Party: sure