-Shoes: Nike
-BMX contest: Doesn’t matter if I feel good on it
-Restaurant chain: Stolovaya number one
-Clothing company: Nike
-Phone: iphone
-Favorite Instagram: Redbull
-Music: a lot of them
-Ramp rider: Hawk, Casey, Enarson, Dugan
-Street rider: Garrett, Ruben, Simone
-Dirt rider: Vishneviy
-Flatland rider: Terry Adams
-Old school rider: Sokolay
-Drink: RedBull, Water
-Trick: depends of the spot
-BMX Magazine: RideBMX, Artbmx
-BMX MC: Sokolay,
-Video game: Lines 98
-BMX photographer: Chees, Kolodin, Klero, Zylev
-Girl: Best friend
-Sport besides BMX: Parkour
-Party: Simple Session
Pics provided by Anton