-Ramp rider: Maxime Charveron, Dennis Enarson, Tyler Fernengel, Kevin peraza
-Street rider: Chad Kerley, Tyler Fernengel, Devon Smilie, Dennis Enarson
-Dirt rider: Chase Hawk, Dennis Enarson
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Ryan Nyquist
-Spot to ride: All the streets of Barcelona
-Website: Soulbmx
-Food: The meals of my mom
-Twitter to follow: I don't have Twitter
-Person on Instagram: c_tschumy
-Travel destination: Spain
-Riders to ride with: Julien Arnaud, Mathieu Paillon, Alexis Olive, and all people of the place
-Car: Peugeot 206+
-Movie: Lords of Dogtown
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Lotek
-Bike company: Stranger, Foundation
-BMX contest: Street Line on Montpellier
-Bike shop: Unleaded Bmx shop
-Restaurant chain: McDonald's
-Clothing company: Stranger, Foundation and Youth brand
-Phone: iphone 5
-Music: Rap, rock
-Drink: Water, Coca-Cola, beer
-Trick: Nose, barspin, grind
-BMX Magazine: Soul bmx mag
-Video game: skate 3, gta V
-BMX photographer: Cedric de Rodot, Hadrien Picard
-BMX Filmer: Romain Leclerc
-Girl: Yeees
-Sport besides BMX: Skate, surf, snowboard
-Party: Drink a beer with my friends