-Riders to ride with: All the Flatland homies, but regular I practice on my own!
-Car: No preference, but fast and expensive cars are always good to drive.
-Movie: Fast and the Furious
-Colour: translucent red
-Shoes: Vans or Adidas
-Bike company: Ares, Federal, KHE (only coaster)
-BMX contest: BMX Cologne. Definitely in 2014 it was just insane. A sick Flatarea with just perfect floor, good vibes, massive other BMXers, huge Dirtjumps and a lot of fun with my friends.
-Bike shop: definitely -> Kunstform BMX Shop <-
-Restaurant chain: Local Kebab named “Regenbogen”
-Clothing company: Maruel Clothing and my own batik stuff
-Phone: Iphone 5c
-Music: Hip Hop, Trap, chill music, Regaton …
-Ramp rider: none
-Street rider: my boy -> Sven Avemaria
-Dirt rider: none
-Flatland rider: Viki Gomez
-Old school rider: none, I'm too newscool I think ahhaa
-Drink: Orange Juice, water and beer
-Trick: at the moment all kind of spinning tricks and pivots
-BMX Magazine: BMX Rider
-BMX MC: Roman Scheid
-Video game: none! I'm not that video game kid. I'm better outside and having fun.
-BMX photographer: Tim Korbmacher
-BMX Filmer: Jim McKay
-Girl: Sarah Kränzler
-Sport besides BMX: Juggling, swimming, gym
-Party: most of the after show parties during a competition