-BMX video: Discovery, RUM
-Website: FATBMX, Diversion TV, Flatmatters, Global-flat, TCU, Vital BMX
-Food: Burrito
-Person on Instagram: SEZYILMAZ
-Travel destination: Montauk
-Riders to ride with: Back Wheel Riders
-Movie: Into The Wild, The Motorcycle Diaries
-Book: 1984 by George Orwell
-Colour: Yellow, Navy and Red
-Shoes: Puma Suede
-Bike company: Motel Works
-BMX contest: King of Ground, Real City Spin
-Bike shop: SPACE ARK, Hommage (both are in Japan)
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: Jcrew
-Phone: IIJmio
-Old school rider: Martin Aparijo
-Drink: Blue Moon
-Trick: Around the World
-BMX Magazine: ENCOUNTER, BMX Plus!
-BMX MC: Masaya "Cheki" Mino
-Video game: Tetris
-BMX photographer: Leonid Furmansky, Daisuke Origuchi
-BMX Filmer: MM Films, Bobby Carter (diversion), Sevisual
-Sport besides BMX: Trail, Jogging, Bouldering
-Party: My home party