-BMX video: Colony BMX video
-Website: YouTube/Vital BMX
-Web video: Kyle Baldock or Logan Martin.
-Food: creamy pasta!
-Twitter to follow: N/A
-Person on Instagram: @matt_bassbmx
-Travel destination: Traveled to China
-Riders to ride with: Brandon Loupos, Sam Gibbon and a few others
-Car: Too young to drive, haha
-Movie: Bad Boys 1/2
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: colonybmx
-BMX contest: FISE
-Bike shop: Terrysbikeshop
-Restaurant chain: McDonald's!
-Clothing company: Foxhead
-Phone: iPhone 6plus
-Music: Anything with good base or that gets me in the mood to ride.
-Ramp rider: Logan Martin
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Kyle Baldock
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Rockstar energy
-Trick: 360 tailwhips
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: GTA
-BMX photographer: Nickeh films
-BMX Filmer: Nickeh films
-Girl: Ally.
-Sport besides BMX: don't really do anything other then ride. Always keen to just ride!
-Party: Whatever party's are going at the time.