Movie: Apocalypto
Shoes: Vans
Bike company: Total bmx
Bike shop: Nomadeshop
BMX contests: Fise, TPG, Vibrations Urbaine, Roula3...
Restaurant chain: McDo!
Music: Hip-hop and Adele!
Phone: iphone 6!
Clothing company: A bit of everything
Ramp rider: Daniel Sandoval
Street rider: Dennis Enarson
Dirt rider: Ryan Nyquist
Faltland rider: Matthias! Ahah
Old school rider: Corey Martinez
Drink: Coca Cola
Tricks: I love decade :D
Bmx magazine: Soulbmx
Video game: FIFA 16!
BMX photographer: Hugo Leguen
Bmx filmer: Hugo Leguen
Girl: No girl, no problem..
Party: Fise Montpellier
Sport besides BMX: Motocross